Reflection Essay

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The process of defining difference seemed an easy task and something that I personally thought I would be able to walk through, but this was far from the truth. Myself being mixed and growing up during a different era I myself was confused as to my identity. Which was a reason I always sought out organizations that I could belong to which had a clear definition of who they were and what they stood for: Boy scouts, Explores, Firefighter and Military. I found that when affiliated with them even when I could not believe in myself I could believe in and find strength from belonging to the organization and my position within it. Now years later having biracial children of my own I found myself just as confused when they came to me with their struggles …show more content…

From our class discussions though, I found that I was not the only one who grew up with the same concerns. During the class watching the videos, and completing the reading was the first time that I had ever covered such material, proving insight to my own problems. Understanding differences is very important to social work because for myself, and similar friends we joined positive organizations. However, I could had easily joined a local gang looking for a sense of belonging. In our communities, we must help people determine who they are before others are able to pull them into a group that will have negative outcomes for their future. My thought is the more I learn of the new and many different groups that are emerging the better I will be able to help members of that group self-identify and understand their own group, so I can allow them to put that identity aside for a moment so that during our time together we may focus on who they are as a person and where they would like to go as a person. Because after they know who, they are and what they want they can focus on how them self, their dreams and their talents best fit into the group which they feel they

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