Referral Procedures In Health And Social Care Essay

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Task 2
Referral Procedures
Self-Referral: This is when someone has approached the professional on their own and not through another care professional. Most of the time this is done by taking themselves to the surgery, school etc. But as the children in an early years’ service are usually too young to refer themselves this would usually be a parent or carer. For example is a parent calling or visiting a school to see if there are any available spaces for their child to attend. Another example is the parent contacting the local authorities about getting a placement at a school. Also, a child could talk to a teacher if they needed help with their homework.
Professional Referral: “This type of referral happens when your doctor sends you to the hospital to have an x-ray, for example. Put simply it is whenever a trained professional recommends you to make an appointment with another health care employee.”[1] An example of this is when a teacher calls a social worker because they have concerns that the child is being abused. Or a teacher referring a child to the school nurse if they are hurt or feel ill.
Third Party Referral: This when someone who is not a care worker, such as a friend or relative, signs up for the service on the behalf of the other person. For example, if a relative notices bruising and reports them to social …show more content…

This could mean the child getting to school at a certain time or how easily they can access the school. For example, a child may live in a remote village where they have to travel a long way to get to a school which will put them off going to school because they will have to get up earlier to go to school, causing the child to become sleep deprived. Another example is if the child lives far away from the school and the family has no car, there needs to be a school bus or something put in place so the child can be taken to school with

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