Red Scare Essay

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The Red Scare was a period of time, post-World War I, in the United States in which people feared the rise of communism, socialism, and anarchism. Some say that what caused the red scare was the Russian revolution and the overthrowing of the czar by the Bolsheviks who implemented communism in Russia, which left the country in turmoil. However, the real cause of the red scare was the wave of strikes that hit the US due to the fact that lots of people were left jobless and war industries without contracts after World War I ended, and many other issues rising such as the demand for higher wages. In a short amount of time, lots of people became extreme anti-communists including A. Palmer Mitchell whose solution to this problem was deportation of …show more content…

After a mishandled attempt to blow up Mitchell Palmer, he found exactly what he needed to blame everything that’s happening on the communists. A campaign against communism was set up and many propaganda posts and published works were being widely spread around in the US. This campaign accused communists of starting the strikes to create disorder in America, and deemed it as one of the “plots to establish nationwide communism”, “conspiracies against the government, and “crimes against society”. After brainwashing so many Americans, Mitchell Palmer started advocating for the deportation of all communists, and anarchists who are mostly German and Russian aliens. He also viewed this as the perfect opportunity to get rid of as many Germans as possible since America attempted on banning all German culture and customs. Also, because Germany announced it would start an unrestricted submarine warfare, it led to extreme anti-German …show more content…

The only explanation to that is the government is eavesdropping and spying on its citizens, which is a total invasion of privacy just to make sure there are no sympathetic people to the “terroristic communists”. They even banned Beethoven’s music, and they would imprison people who play it. That is the level of absurdity and extremism the US government has reached at that time. What Mitchell Palmer did just worsened the situation in America because he was discriminating against people who were expressing their opinion of what they believe is the best choice of political party for America, a freedom guaranteed by the 1st amendment in the Bill of Rights. He and his supporters made very serious accusations against these people and have wronged them

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