Red Rose Metaphors

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Stereo hearts: you never know we come and go like on the interstate. A red, red rose: the sands o'life shall run. Stereo hearts: do you know my heart’s a stereo the only plays for you. A red, red rose: till the seas gang dry my dear and the rocks melt wi’the sun: I will luve thee still my dear. Stereo hearts: The chorus rhymes every line and the rapping part rhymes every second line. A red red rose: every second and fourth line rhymes with each other In both stereo hearts and a red red rose they're both describing how their love is so strong and that their love compares to other things such as a stereo or a red red rose In the poem the red red rose the guy seems to be in such love that even when the girl moves away she will still love her and he lists all of the things that say how strong his love is I think that the girl might be …show more content…

Stereo hearts also contains rhythm and it rhymes so stereo hearts rhymes every second line just like a red red rose and the rhythm is so good they even made it into a song. I'm not sure which one I would pick I think they both are very different things because of the time difference a stereo is more modern and red rose is older in the way that in the olden days when you like someone you give them like a rose or something but now you don't you give like food and a song or something it's so different I can't choose so I'm not sure which one because they're very different I might choose stereo is that is that because I'm more musical then I am with like a rose and

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