Recollection: The Transition From Middle To High School

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Recollection of Past Intervention I recall when my life began to take a downward spiral. It was the year of 1990, a freshman in high school and I was around 15 years old. If my year could be summed up in a single word, it would be challenging. To be honest, the transition from middle to high school was exciting but extremely terrifying. As a matter of fact the experience was overwhelming and liberating. I was eager to attend a high school outside of my neighborhood. It required me to take a bus and a train to school each day. The travel may be a bit much for some people, but I was anxious to the travel. Sadly, my mother passed away when I was only two years old. I went to live with my maternal grandmother, who was a disciplinarian. This is why going to a high school, which required travel was essential for me. After a few months of attending school, my grades we pretty good. I was not an honor roll student but a B average. Some classes. But I didn’t have any friends, going to a new school also required me to be more social. I found this time to be very lonely and isolated. It was around springtime when things started to change. I started to develop …show more content…

I lied continuously, to cover up missing weeks of school. Until one day I came home to find my aunt, paternal grandmother and grandfather and my older brother in the living room. Each person had a different level of frustration; my aunt was shocked and outraged, my paternal grandparents looked furious. My older brother looked at me with tears in his eyes. I have never been so scared in my life, I was expecting the worst. For example being sent to a foster home. Without delay they started with a barrage of questions, one after another yelling and screaming at me. I wanted to run out of the house, so far away from them all. My family probably thought conducting an intervention with people who do love me might help me to get my life on

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