Reba Wickberg Argumentative Essay

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Americans look up to our president for strength and comfort, but what if he was laying lifeless on the ground? Reba is a sixty-four-year-old women from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She got her degree at Oklahoma University. Reba Wickberg was just thirteen years old, and in the eighth grade when she had to experience this horrible tragedy when John F. Kennedy got shot. I began the interview by asking Reba how she found out that the President got assassinated. She replied “I was in school and the Principal came on the intercom and became to explain that the President had been shot. We all then went to the cafeteria and watched the news on the television.” Mrs. Wickberg then talked about how everyone around her was extremely sad, and some were even crying …show more content…

She then stated “I felt the United States of America was not very united after John F. Kennedy was elected President because of the Cuban Missile Crisis. His death actually seemed to bring Americans back together because we were all grieving and worried that we actually worked together to fix America.” This statement Mrs. Wickberg made confused me a little at first because how would America get better after the death of her president, but after she explained why I understood and saw her point of view. Mrs. Wickberg then began to explain when they had John F. Kennedy’s funeral on television. She talked about how she saw Jackie Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, and John Kennedy Jr. on television. Then Reba talks about how on the day of his father’s funeral when John Kennedy Jr. was only about four years old, he went up to the flag of the United States of America and saluted it. Mrs. Wickberg then explains that this memory has stuck in her head the most because it gave her and Americans around her hope in such a dark time. Reba much like many Americans remembers this day all too well, and remembers the smallest details about his death. John F. Kennedy’s death lead to chaos around America, but due to people like Reba Wickberg America was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As many people see today it wasn’t the end of the world that he died, but just a struggle Americans had to work on together to get

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