Tammy Baldwin Argumentative Essay

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Tammy Baldwin was born on February 11th, 1962 in Madison, Wisconsin and was voted as Wisconsin’s first female Congress member in 1998. Throughout her childhood Tammy lived with her grandparents and when she was diagnosed with an illness like spinal meningitis, and they had a hard time getting the health insurance to cover her hospital stay due to the inability to list her as a dependent on their policy. After Tammy got better, they continued to struggle to find a policy to cover her in the future due to her “pre-existing condition”, due to her experience in the healthcare system her interest in working in public service was sparked and lead her to a career in Congress. She has served seven terms in the House of Representatives including the …show more content…

Senate on November 6, 2012. With this election, she became the first openly gay member elected to the Senate, and is focused on working across party lines to strengthen the economic security, education, workforce readiness, quality health care for all, and ensuring retirement security for today’s seniors and future generation. After reading over several of Tammy’s stances, I personally agree with many of her stances and learned a lot about her from reading articles and navigating the website. Senator Baldwin cares a lot about the middle class and education is a large part of her platform. She addresses the student debt crisis and college affordability by leading efforts and introducing legislation to provide solutions. Being the lead cosponsor of the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, which allows student who are struggling to refinance their loans by taking advantage of lower interest rates, as well as introducing acts such as the America’s College Promise Act and the Working Student Act to show her …show more content…

Most recently on June 12th, she released a statement in memory of the forty-nine people who lost their lives and the fifty-three people injured in the Pulse Nightclub Shooting a year prior, the increase in hate crimes towards members of the LGBT+ community, and Congress’s poor response. She comments, “Instead of showing the moral leadership our nation needs in the face of increasing hatred and division, President Trump and his Administration have taken steps to roll back our nation’s progress in many areas, including progress for the LGBT community,” and called out President Trump for his poor actions towards allowing discrimination and failing to be a “President to all Americans”. On Monday June 26th, Senator Baldwin celebrated with the LGBT+ community in Wisconsin to celebrate and honor the anniversary of the significant victories won in the U.S. Supreme Court, but comments that the community must work harder for fairness, freedom, and full equality and truly believes America is ready to take another step forward in achieving it. In the past, Senator Baldwin have cosponsored the Equality Act, and other federal legislation to ban discrimination against LGBT+ Americans. In the past few months, especially with President Trump’s election and lack of action

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