Reality Therapy: Developed By William Glasser

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Introduction Reality Therapy, is based on choice theory, and was developed by William Glasser he believe that mental illness resulted from an individual’s participation in unsatisfying relationships. Reality Therapy can be considered a cognitive-behavioral approach to therapy; which focuses on helping and guiding the client toward awareness of his/her thoughts and actions, which will hopefully result in changing their maladaptive thoughts and actions. In order to obtain and maintain the relationships, the clients must stop coercing, forcing, punishing, manipulating, criticizing, blaming and complaining about others, and hold themselves accountable. According to Reality Therapy, people have five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, …show more content…

Although individuals may be products of their past, it is important not to become victims of their past, unless they choose to be. Reality therapy emphasizes teaching clients to focus on making responsible choices through evaluation of their behaviors, which will result in them receiving what they need and want, planning allows the client to implement specific procedures that lead to change. Reality therapists also know the importance of positive, satisfying client-therapist relationships. It is key that the therapist be caring, somewhat confrontational, but not to critical of their clients. One of the concepts of the therapy is the belief that human beings are capable of making their own choices and are thus able to make positive, better choices in life (Howett, 2001). It emphasizes making decisions, and taking action and control of one's own life. Typically, clients seek to discover what they really want and whether what they are currently doing (how they are choosing to behave) is actually bringing them nearer to, or further away from, that goal. Although my preference would be reality therapy, I am also partial to Solution Focused Therapy, which also focuses on the here and now, how to create a better future, as well as, concentration more on the solution more than the

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