Ready Player One Analysis

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Life is hard; a scene in Powaqqatsi shows only a person’s legs as he/she trudges through mud to his/her destination; the mud is made of water and dirt to imply that life, water, is dirty and not easy to get through. This person represents the struggle that goes into having a successful life. That struggle is mirrored in the rest of the movie and the book Ready Player One as they both show the same ideas of how to go from the bottom of society to the good life.
In the book Ready Player One, the main character, Wade Watts, exhibits traits of hard work and determination in order to attain success. He is one of many aspiring players searching for the hidden easter egg left in the OASIS, an online escape from the dystopian real world; the winner …show more content…

In the end, he creates a plan to gain access to and clear the third gate by forging his own information to be indentured by IOI, a process that could potentially trap him inside the company as a corporate slave. All of Wade’s possessions including his super-computer are either destroyed or taken away by the IOI corporate police. Once inside IOI as an indent, Wade uses security codes he bought from a black market website to hack into the system and gain valuable information on how he could possibly get within the third gate and escape to warn his friends of IOI’s plans and information on them. If his plan fails, however, it is unlikely that he will ever see the people he cares about again. The people of the Third World in Powaqqatsi are also shown making sacrifices in their daily lives like Wade. In the beginning of the film, a large number of people are seen carrying muddy bags of silt from the bottom of a mine to be sifted for gold. This burdensome task determines how much each person would take home; the more bags each person carried up and sifted, the more money they would get. Within the sea of people kicking up dirt as they climb the steep incline, there are two men without large bags balanced on their shoulders, instead, there is another man tightly grasped in their arms; his hands are grabbing his head and his face is twisted with pain. The two men carrying the injured man have willingly given up payment for the bags they were bringing up. In both media, a person, or group of people, is seen making harsh sacrifices for the greater good; he is not only benefitting the others around him, but his sacrifice could also lead to benefits for

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