Rape By Deception And The Myth Of Sexual Autonomy

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Rape by Deception
Rape is often viewed by the public as sex that is not consensual, and mostly sex that is physically forced. In fact, the dictionary definition of rape is “the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.” In most cases, victims of rape are physically forced to have sex, while with cases of rape by deception, the victim has not been physically forced but has been tricked into consenting to have sex.
Rape by deception is when a perpetrator has gained consent to have sex with a victim but has gained that consent through deceit. The perpetrator displays him or herself as someone he or she is not. Rape by deception has also been heard of as rape by fraud or rape by impersonation. …show more content…

In Jed Rubenfeld’s “The Riddle of Rape-by-Deception and the Myth of Sexual Autonomy,” he states that “sex by deception is sex without consent, because sex obtained by deception…is ‘no consent’ at all.” (1376). Rubenfeld uses comparisons such as “a man posing to be a doctor, who lays his hands on a person, is committing battery.” The patient gave consent for a doctor to touch them so the man, who is not a doctor, is offensively touching without consent. Therefore, a person posing as someone they are not in order to gain consent to sex is committing rape, according to Rubenfeld. Both cases of Marissa Lee Fuentes and People v. Morales fall under “sex obtained by deception.” Neither of the victims consented to have sex with their perpetrator but only with the person they were portrayed to be; so does that mean that both perpetrators were convicted of rape?
Well, further laws state that it must not be just the non-consent of the victim, but it must also be forced sex in order to be deemed as rape. When Marissa Lee Fuentes attempted to press charges against her boyfriend’s brother, charges were dismissed because there was no physical force involved. Marissa was not physically forced to have sex with her boyfriend’s brother, so she was not raped by

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