Rape And Sexual Assault Essay

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Rape and Sexual Assault
Rape is first and foremost an act of aggression, not an act of sexuality. Sexuality is simply used as an expression of this aggression. Rape occurs in different forms to express different forms of aggression, resulting from different underlying causes and motivation. In fact, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), one in six American women is a victim of sexual assault; about 44% of rape victims are under the age of 18, while 80% are under the age of 30. More than half of all rapes are never reported. Date rape is the most common form of rape and occurs in 78% of all rape cases. Although girls and women are more often the victims of rape, 7-10% of victims are boys and men. One in 33 American …show more content…

First, anger rape means aggression that results from displaced anger or feelings of revenge. That occurs at the time that the criminal is rarely pre-meditated and can come out as a sudden change in the offender’s disposition instead of previously safety situation. Therefore, this rape tends to violence such as hitting and kicking or using vulgar language. Although that, this is the easiest to successfully prosecute because of the physical evidence. Next, power rape means aggression that results from insecurity in sexuality and manhood and feelings of rejection. Without of using violence, that's why this is hardest to prosecute because of victim blaming and the lack of physical evidence. Finally, sadistic rape is the rarest type and this kind is premeditated by the criminal. Therefore, this attack is dangerous and long-lasting like in the movies or news. However, I think that there have only three basic types of rapists is not really exactly. In my view, there also have power assertive rapist, juvenile sex offenders rapist, and women offenders rapist. For example, with the power assertive, this rapist is the type who will claim to have a weapon but will only use it to ensure the victim's …show more content…

I think that my heart stops and I don’t know what to do, what to say. Or even worse, if I'm my friend in this situation, I don't know actually how I react. That is an incredible mix of feelings such as anger with the criminal, fear of safety and sadness. Therefore, I think that understanding about sexually abused or raped is important in our lives. Luckily, according to two videos “Date Rape: A Violation of Trust” and “Rape: An Act of Hate.”, I learn some tips to handle this situation. First, Hamel helps me trust that rape can occur virtually anywhere and to almost anyone. We usually have a societal notion that only women can be assaulted. However, the truth is that the woman, men, and transgender people also can be violated. For this reason, we should help our friend regardless of gender. Next, we should help our friend immediately to get to a safe place and medical attention like going to a local emergency room. Because in this room, the doctor can make a forensic medical exam to collect evidence against the perpetrator. Therefore, we should avoid bathe or wash clothing (we’ll be washing away evidence) and avoid to go to the bathroom and eat, drink, smoke, gargle, brush teeth, chew gum or change

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