Random Book Summary

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Tom Leveen, “Random” is a Fictional novel that was published in 2014. This novel has a new layout that has not been seen in many books. This book incorporates a Facebook style layout that most teens are used to and it has news articles within that help create interest in it. The book target audience for this would most likely be teens as it deals with social media and bullying/suicide. This novel has many character that we don't really get to learn abou which can be a downside to some. But, one of the main character in the book is Tori Hershberger a sixteen girl. She is a “normal” teen living in Arizona.The author makes use hate her for her actions. She has been accused of bullying a kid at school which took his life. She doesn't see that …show more content…

One of these conflicts is that she is going to court for causing a death of Kevin Cooper. That night she receives a “random” phone call. On the phone, there was a guy stating that he was going to kill himself. Tori laughed at him and did not believe him.After hours on the phone the guys says she better drive to him or he is going to jump of the bridge, after meeting with him she learns that that random guy was Andy. Tori doesn't see this to be funny and makes fun of him.andy is trying to teach a lesson about suicide but doesn't take it in. She later finds out what this all really meant the next morning. The novel gets the viewer's attention. They use many elements that attract the reader so they could continue to read. This book has suspense in each chapter. It causes the viewer to want to learn more about the characters and their life. But with every book it has its downsides. The novel at time seems to try too hard for the simplest of things. But one of big downsides is that this book only takes place within that day and nothing beyond. It makes you wonder why you read the novel to the end which is just a long conversation between andy and Tori. After all this novel is a book i recommend as the author is locale and the book introduces new ways to weight by including a social media layout that will grab the teen

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