Ralph Waldo Emerson Friendship Essay

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The influence of the sympathy of friend and affection is a definite pleasant contentment and seldom sadness. The ‘’Friendship’ in Self- Reliance and other Essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, ineffable essay brings out much charismatic ideas about friendship. The essay is purely based on friendship, explicates the value of friends. Emerson incisively valued relationships and he described his feelings through the wisdom of his writing in ‘’Friendship’’. Emerson often used potent metaphors and aphorism to advocate the ideas expressed in his text for example ‘’ it is better to live alone, there is not friendship with a fool’’ (44).
The presence of true friend brings joy to our hearts. Although genuine and sincere friends are difficult to find but, ‘’ I didn’t find my friends, the good lord gave them to me’’ (42). True friends are the greatest gift from god. I have never thought tangible friends are a present from god until Emerson changed my perspective because elementary and high school; Friends are …show more content…

The friends had in past were more like connections, although there were few who people who I would call a friend. What I learned from Emerson is that a real friend is a gift from god ‘’ friends are angel in disguise’’ and ‘’ if he is unequal he will presently pass away’’ (50). If his worth your time he will stay otherwise he’s gone. We meet new and exciting people some of our friendships become temporarily. We rush to make friends and in doing, never has a good start for virtuous a friendship. Emerson says ‘’ our friendships hurry to short and poor conclusions, because we have made them a texture of wine and dreams, instead of tough fiber of the human heart. The laws of friendship age great, austere, and eternal, of one web with the laws of nature and of morals’’ (46). Emerson has inspired me to become more diligent starting new friendships and in order to have a friend I must be a

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