Raising Minimum Wage

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As a high school student who has a part time job, I work hard so I’m able to afford clothes, school supplies and other necessities. With my check being around $300 every two weeks, it’s almost impossible to pay for everything I need. Having the minimum wage being set at $7.25, causes many people, including myself, to struggle financially. Majority of these families are living in poverty and need help. A teeming amount of people wants the wage to be increased, but there is an abundant amount of people who object to this idea. A minimum wage increase could be very beneficial to this country but it could destroy our economy also. The first article that I read through was “Maybe raising the minimum wage isn’t such a good idea after all” from …show more content…

Eakin stated that raising the wage would put inexpert workers at risk for being dismissed by their employers. I agree and disagree with this statement. At first hand team members at fast food restaurants wouldn’t be fired because most managers aren’t allowed to employ over 12 people. These employees get roughly 23 hours per week if they aren’t full time. If they do work full time they get around 30 hours per week. If the wage increased these workers would most likely lose hours. However, if the wage increased their salary would still be high because they would be making more money than they did working 23 hours a week with an hourly rate of $7.25. On the other hand I agree with this statement because many fast food restaurants wouldn’t be able to afford to pay their employees and eventually go out of business. Raising the minimum wage would mean raising the price of food and lowering the demand for eating out because Americans wouldn’t be able to afford the restaurant …show more content…

Millions of Americans aren’t financially stable and they are struggling everyday. The increase could make it harder for people to feed their families. The second article I read was “The case for raising the minimum wage” from the U.S News by David Cooper. It provides information about the positive impacts of the wage increase. Cooper states that our set rate is not enough to live on. The yearly income for a minimum wage worker is $15,000 a year. Many of these workers have to rely on welfare and transportation. Raising the rate would give millions of workers a raise and push them out of the poverty line. Copper concludes by saying that low-income workers will see the advantages of a rising economy when the wage is

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