Radar Techniques Used In World War Two

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World War 2 was the second huge worldwide conflict involving mutiple countries in battle. A total of about 80 million died in this war. 70 years later, today, the world is in a frenzy to rid the world of all physical pieces of history involving the Axis powers of that time. They believe that this should be forgot about and nothing that happened was good, they try to rid the world of anything the Axis powers made, good or bad. Here you will read about about all the everyday things that you use today that were invented as a result of this giant conflict. Radar. Radar is used everyday and is relied on by millions every day. These devices track planes and shows control towers in airports their location so they can tell them how to land. Huge airports like LAX always have multiple planes taking off and landing constantly. Without radar planes would crash into one another and air travel would be unsafe. In WW2 radar was invented to do the same thing, to find incoming enemy planes so they could protect their country and be safe. This invention over the years have saved well over trillions of lives. …show more content…

This shell covered chocolate is a snack we all eat but little know the origins of. In WW2 regular bar chocolate along with cigarettes kept soldiers awake longer so they could continue fighting. There was one problem with bar chocolate, they would easily melt in the heat and quicly became unedible. So the U.S. Military quickly needed a solution to replace chocolate bars. They turned to the M&Ms, they could withstand heat. Because they could withstand heat, they were easier to transport. Today it is still used in wars as humanitarian aid to affected children in other

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