Racism In Today's Society

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In today's society racism is a big topic of conversation. Racism is the belief that members of a race possess characteristics specific to that race as means to distinguish superiority to another race. This is the 21st century, in today's modern society, racism does not exist. The problems of today have nothing to do with the past, so all conversations pertaining to such-blaming our problems on something that does not exist- should cease. African-Americans are not the only people who have to struggle. As a people, we should make an effort to find and solve our problems in society. Together, we must turn our cheeks from the past so we can insure a better future. Many things have improved in today's society that have created benefits for African-Americans. …show more content…

In this world, many terrible acts are blamed on racism. However, racism cannot be the cause, because racism does not exist. The bible states that, “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:28(Bible). Research shows that, “there is no such thing as racism because everyone is part of the same human race.…..According to Craig Venter, “The Human Genome Project shows there is no such thing as race” (Theissen). According to these scientists, “the billions of pieces of human genetic code sequenced thus far are most notable for what they do not appear to contain – a genetic test to tell one race of people from another. All scientific finds point to the conclusion that race doesn’t exist.” Dr. J. Craig Venter said, “race is a social concept, not a scientific one.” Also, apparently racism cannot be a problem if it is not experienced by everyone of that race, as quoted by Lil' Wayne, ““I thought that was clearly a message that there was no such thing as racism,” referring to his crowd of fans that has always been racially diverse. If a race was seen as inferior, then that race as a whole would be discriminated against. People talk about race even if it does not have any reference whatsoever to the event that took place, this is part of the reason that race is seen as cause for incidents. Speculation occurs because the participants happen to have different skin colors, whether the act itself was actually a racist one or

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