Racism In Anne Moody's 'We Shall Overcome'

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“We Shall Overcome” was a popular song of comfort and strength during the civil rights movement; it was a rallying cry for many black people who had experienced the racial injustices of the south. The song instilled hope that one day they would “overcome” the overt and institutional racism preventing them from possessing the same rights as white citizens. Anne Moody describes several instances when this song helped uplift her through the low points of her life as a black woman growing up in Mississippi in the 1950s and early 1960s. By the end of her autobiography “Coming Of Age In Mississippi” (1968), she saw a stream of excessive and unending violence perpetrated by white people and the crippling effects of poverty on the black people of …show more content…

However, when a black person was found out to even be chatting with identified members of the NAACP or SNCC, their jobs were immediately at risk. This threat to their one, limited source of income (often used to support entire families), meant that until job security was addressed, Moody would never see the number of black people voting that was needed to change their situation. The irony was that unless things changed, most black people would remain limited and tied to the bonds of debt and poverty. When Moody 's stepmother Emma was accidentally shot in the foot after becoming involved in a black married couple’s fight regarding money and the husband’s frustrations at not finding work, Moody admired Emma because she did not blame the husband; rather, “she placed the blame where it rightfully belonged," on the white people who created and supported a system where it was “almost impossible for the Negro men to earn a living” (226). Despite her hope, Moody admits that from the beginning that she knew the cause was hopeless. Until the issue of money and the access to opportunities to earn that money were fair and equal between black people and white people, black people would “never stop being scared” of the white people who held the positions of power

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