Racial And Racial Inequality

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A social inequality that I would say I’m concerned with would be, racial and ethnic inequality. Racial or ethnic inequality is often established based on characteristics such as skin color and other physical characteristics, or a person’s place of origin or culture. Another meaning of racial inequality would be the advantages and disadvantages that affect different races within the Unites States. Race has become a socially constructed category capable of restricting or enabling social status. Racial inequality can lead to diminished opportunities, which can also lead to cycles of poverty and political problems. With this minority members in a society can result in discriminating actions such as; exclusion, oppression, expulsion, and extermination.
Good Americans who want to reduce poverty say that race should not be relevant in problems. Poor African Americans are more likely to live in high poverty neighborhoods with less resources and options than whites. This is a problem because high poverty communities are more likely to have less quality schools, houses and health care. African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to live in these communities than
The economy is the main reason for racism. Just by getting on social media or looking at the news, you see those degrading African Americans. Obama was a pretty good president but everything he did or his family did, the economy made it seem like he was the worst president ever or that he was not doing his job. In the economy it is harder for African Americans to find jobs than it is for whites. Blacks look for jobs longer and a sometimes more aggressively than whites do and they are 44% less likely to get hired for the job even when they are just as qualified. Today they have a law that jobs cannot discriminate on who to hire just because of their race or ethnicity, and even though that’s a law some jobs still discriminate, they just use a different reason to why they could not hire you. Other races have heard so many stereotypes and stories about African Americans and they also grew up being taught certain beliefs which become part of the

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