Racial Criticism In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, is an academically acclaimed American novel that is well known within the country. Even though, most readers are unaware that it is one of the top novels that is banned in most academic curriculum across the country due its explicit racial controversy. The context within the novel has had to be re-written to suit the delicate views of some readers. Even though it is an extraordinary story, the time in which the novel was written is that of a time were the language was just acceptable. Though the novel has been revised The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is still banned from most school curriculum due to it 's racial explicitness. “In early 2011 NewSouth Books, under the guidance of Mark Twain, …show more content…

Their elaborate plan goes awry and Tom is shot, and Huck falls asleep while waiting for a doctor. When he wakes up, the situation is out of control. Jim is about to be executed, then Tom announces that (1) Jim saved his live, and (2) Miss Watson who even though was known for being self-righteous, actually freed Jim in her living-will when she died two months ago. “I felt good and all washed clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life, and I knowed I could pray now” (Twain 216). Huck was contemplating sending the letter to let Miss Watson know the whereabouts of Jim but the decides against it but why? Huck finally realizes that Jim may be a “nigger” in everyone 's eyes, but Jim would do anything for Huck and vise verse because that is what true friends do for each other. Regardless of there skin color they will always have each others backs. Once they discover that the dead body that they found to fake Huck 's death was Huck 's father. With this information suddenly they are both free from their own personal slavery. No one else can control them and they are now in control of there own lives and …show more content…

These two novels tell about the adventures the two have while they try to escape North to the “free states”. Throughout their adventures they learn that each of them are longing to escape some type of slavery. I think in this day and age most people can relate to wanting to escape from something or get away from their problems. I also believe that in these novels Mark Twain wants readers to grasp that family can consist of people who are not even blood related. Blended families so to speak. Huck, Tom and Jim form a family bond with each other that most people in that era couldn 't understand, much less be a part of. Ethnicity was a major factor back in that era however, now its not uncommon or unusual to see interracial marriages, families with mixed children, or even a gay couple raising a

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