Rachel Mcadams In Mean Girls

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Written Explanation Level One In level one, named Derogatory, are the Name-Callers. They belong there because of the derogatory statements they said to bully other people. Their punishment is being grotesquely ugly, which is appropriate for the ugly things they have said. A character that would be there is Rachel McAdams from Mean Girls. Level Two In level two, named Untruth, are the Rumor-Mongers. They are there because of the lies they had spread about other people. Their punishment is they rip off each other’s ears trying to tell them secrets. It is appropriate because in their former life they used to whisper rumors in others’ ears and now they cannot do the very thing they are driven to do because they have ripped the ears off of the …show more content…

We address the issue with posters and hotlines in schools and even memes. Incidentally, we have taken a serious threat and turned it into a joke or something too taboo to talk about. Name-calling is a common form of verbal bullying, and is ranked less severe than the other levels because it is easier for the victim to “shrug off.” Spreading rumors is ranked second because it is more damaging to the victim but not as severe as suicide baiting, which is the most severe level because it could result in someone taking their life. Suicide baiting is the intentional, urgent incitement of suicide from onlookers who target a vulnerable and desperate victim, some of whom had already threatened suicide. Often it occurs on social media, and many individuals don’t know that by telling someone to “go die”, “kill yourself”, or anything similar is actually considered assisted suicide if the victim was to take their life. Some claim it’s okay to say to friends or people you don’t like, but they may not be considering that suicide baiting is a crime, assisted suicide. Many people are getting away with this type of bullying because the victim must present proof like screenshots to prove they are telling the

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