The Cosmological Argument, Exofs, And Works Of The Lordship Of God

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I) Theology proper is Theology which deals specifically with the being, the attributes and works of all mighty God.
a) There are four proofs/arguments that God exists
i) The Cosmological argument which is argument regarding cause and effect,
(1) The term cosmological comes from the Greek word, cósmos, which means world.
(2) The argument then can be defined as, because the world exists, it must have a maker (God), because something does not come from nothing.
(3) It has to be either a divine being or chance. We must believe in the eternal existence of something. ii) The Teleological argument – argument from purpose.
(1) There is a detectable order or design in the universe, which contends for an intelligent designer.
(2) The …show more content…

Its a more personal access to God. Genesis 2:4, Exodus 3:14, Psalm 107:13 iii) ADONAI is a reference to the Lordship of God. It describes the Lordship of God over us as individuals. Malachi 1:6, Genesis 18:27 iv) JEHOVAH JIREH – means that the Lord Will Provide. The name memorialized by Abraham when God provided the ram to be sacrificed in place of Isaac. Genesis 22:14
v) EL SHADDAI: means that God is Almighty or The God of the mountains it speaks of God’s ultimate power over all. Psalm 91:1 Genesis 49:24; Psalm 132:2,5
c) Just as there are arguments that insist that there is a there is a God in heaven, there are those beliefs or arguments in which some believe that that there is no God or they have different views then that of monotheism which is the doctrine or belief that there is only one God, which is the views of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. These are five of the most popular.
i) Atheism is the disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or …show more content…

iii) Evolution is the process by which living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms of life during the history of the earth. iv) Polytheism is the belief in or worship of more than one god.
v) Pantheism is the teaching that teaches that everything is a god.
II) God 's works regarding creation
a) Reasons for studying the Doctrine of Creation.
i) The creation process plays major importance in the Scriptural presentation of God. The Bible puts much emphases on the creation, the very first verse (Gen 1:1) tells of God 's creative power. ii) The creation was important to the church father, so important that they placed the doctrine of creation in the apostles creed. iii) The doctrine of creation is important to us because it helps us to understand other Christian dogma iv) The doctrine of creation is necessary because it helps to differentiate between our beliefs and that of other religions.
vi) The dogma of creation is vital for it stands against the natural sciences and their version of creation which is evolution.
III) The elements of the Biblical teaching on

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