Question Of Origin: Secular Humanism

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Critical Thinking Paper
Question I-Question of Origin
Secular Humanism is a comprehensive, nonreligious life stance. It is considered a religion but is more nonreligious than religious. It is a naturalistic philosophy on life. Secular Humanism has more relating facts to an Evolutionary Science than to Christianity or Creation. It is considered a world view, and is defined as a bunch of ideas that relates to a person saying something that correlates to a theological, philosophical, ethical, biological, psychological, sociological, legal, economic, political, and historical nature. (Caner & Hindson, p.444)
Secular humanism is complexed of all these aspects listed above and is evolutionary in all its reasoning. “Humanism contends that instead …show more content…

Creationism believes that God created all things and Secular Humanism believes everything is naturally formed and there is no supreme being. Is one of these worldviews right and the other wrong? According to Biblical worldview, the answer is yes. Why? God the father is the only Supreme Being and He is the creator of all things of and in the Universe. According to Secular Humanism the answer is yes, because secular humanist believes in atheism, and agnostics. They believe there is no God. No Supreme Being that created or rules over the universe. They believe that beings created gods and minds and souls are formed by natural phenomenon. Atheism is its own religion because it is a recognized choice or opinion by which it affects a person’s morals and beliefs. Secular Humanism adopts many religions and has multiple reasoning why God does not exist and why the Bible is unsupportive with modern relevant facts. Biblical worldview only has one answer, one belief and a factual book written by God who gave the authority to multiple people in different time periods to write, which predicted the future called the Bible that has been proven. Secular Humanism has books, which came about by one person writing their religion guidelines based on opinions and …show more content…

There is no Heaven or Hell. Secular Humanism is a form of Atheism and this is denying there is a God. Biblical worldview believes everyone has a soul and if they believe in Christ Jesus when you die you will go to Heaven and spend eternity with God. If you are a non-believer you will spend the rest of your days in Hell suffering unimaginable pain and sorrow. There is eternal life according to the Bible. After death a person can only go to two places: heaven or hell. Heaven is where God resides with all his angels and Christians who have been saved. Christians who believe the Bible will go to heaven. (John 3:16) Nonbelievers will go to hell. Hell is where Satan resides with all his demons and nonbelievers. When someone dies, his or her body returns to earth like it was created. They become ashes to dust and become one with the earth. The body decomposes to nothingness. In heaven there is no death only eternal life. In hell there is an eternal death. When Christ returns, He will destroy hell completely and hell will cease to exist. (Revelation

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