Quasars The Galactic Powerhouses Research Paper

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Quasars the Galactic Powerhouses

Quasi-stellar radio sources, more commonly known as Quasars, are the most luminous, and some of the most powerful objects that we have ever observed in our universe. Although Quasars are beautiful to look at, the method that goes into creating them is a continuous process of death and destruction. Quasars may be billions upon billions of light years away, but that has not stopped them from having serious scientific implications, the most famous being that they have helped to prove The Big Bang Theory. Quasars’ actual scientific names are quasi-stellar radio sources, which came from early surveys of the sky using radio waves in the 1950’s. These objects appeared to be starlike. Before scientists really knew …show more content…

This means that the entirety of the Quasar could only be a few light days across. This again, led to more questions of how Quasars work. How could something so small put out so much energy and be so bright. “Astronomers were faced with a conundrum: how could an object about the size of the solar system have a mass of about a million stars and outshine by 100 times a galaxy of a hundred billion stars?” (Britannica.com) The answer that astronomers eventually came up with is accretion of gravity onto a supermassive black …show more content…

One implication it had was that it helped further prove the Big Bang Theory and helped to further disprove the Steady State theory. Steady State Theory is the theory that the universe is static, not expanding or contracting, and that there is no beginning or end to it. While the Big Bang Theory states that the universe was created due to a massive explosion and since that massive explosion the universe has been constantly expanding and still is until today. Since the discovery of Quasars scientist have been able to further prove Big Bang Theory due to the redshift of the Quasars. Quasars are extremely red-shifted hence why Maarten Schmidt and other scientists had such a hard time identifying what they actually were, but it is this powerful redshift that helps prove the theory. Since Quasars are so red-shifted it means that they are always moving away from us, which shows that the universe is expanding. If the universe is constantly expanding then clearly Steady State Theory cannot be

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