Qualities Of A Good President Essay

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Presidential campaigns are a crucial time in a democratic country—a time to carefully consider what it is that matters to us, the populace, and who we feel is most fit to represent us. We choose a leader that we hope will address the issues we deem important as well as serve the best interests of the country. We have to try to look above the partisan lines and look at the candidate’s character to choose someone that is truly up to the task. It is critically important that our elected president possess certain attributes in order to lead effectively. Some of those attributes, in my opinion, are humility, confidence, and honesty. An admirable quality in a leader, I feel, is humility. By humility, I don’t mean “thinking less of yourself” or meekness. In this context, I feel the president should see himself as an equal among his constituents and not to let his pride get in the way of the decisions he makes. Humility is the ability to listen before acting and make compromises. Consistency is fine but I don’t think the fact that someone changes their ideas about policies should be considered a detriment to their …show more content…

First and foremost, if people can’t believe in their leader 100% of the time then all the confidence in the world won’t help them sway opinion. If the president is honest in what they present to the public and people can trust what they say then I feel they are more likely to have a larger percentage of support, even if some don’t agree with the president’s views. I don’t expect to agree with the president all of the time but if they gives me the facts, explain the options, and then present a plan of action then I am much more likely to listen and maybe even change my own opinion of the situation. If I feel that the president has been less than honest in any area then I am much less likely to trust anything they say in the future, even if it’s something that I would normally agree

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