Pyotr Tchaikovsky Research Paper

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Pyotr Tchaikovsky was born May 7th, 1840, he had four brothers and two sisters. His parents names were llya Tchaikovsky, and Alexandra Tchaikovsky. By the age of six Pyotr had already learned both French and German. Later he was enrolled into the school of Jurisprudence, so that he would have a career in civil service. Since he was only 10 at the time and the minimum acceptance age was 12 years old, he was then sent to a boarding school. When he finally reached the age of 12 he entered into the senior classes at the school. At the time he did not seriously study music, he didn’t really study it until after he had graduated in 1859. He began taking classes at the St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1862, and by 1863 he had quit his job as the clerk at …show more content…

Pyotr once imagined his head falling off while he was conducting so from then on he would hold his chin with his left hand. He was still one of the best musical students even though he was not the best conductor. He later took the job as a harmony teacher at the Moscow Conservatory in 1866, due to Rubenstein’s recommendation. In 1875 Pyotr’s premiere of his third symphony had been given in Boston on the 25th of October. Even though there had been many people no one really enjoyed his music during that time. His reputation soon began to spread all across Europe. He later married Anotonina Miliukovain 1977, but because he thought she didn’t possess much intelligence he divorced her 9 weeks later. He got into another relationship in the same year. Instead of Pyotr meeting the woman face to face they would write letters to each other. The woman’s name was Nadeshda von Meck, and she had great interest in Pyotr’s work . She would sent him lots of money. Pyotr was emotionally troubled during that time and he took alcohol as a form of relief for him. Later in 1890 the woman stopped sending Pyotr money because she claimed to be broke, but that was not the reason

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