Puppy Mill Essay

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Currently, the estimated amount of puppies sold every year that begin their lives in a puppy mill is 2.11 million (Humane Society), and this number is still rising annually. A puppy mill is a shelter for dogs that breeds and sells many breeds of them. Female dogs can easily have over 50 puppies in their lifetime in a mill. In puppy mills, dogs can spend their entire lives in cramped cages with no interaction whatsoever. Puppy mill owners don’t usually care about the health and conditions of the puppies, and just their profit. Frequently, puppy mills don’t have any climate control, protection, or vet care. These dogs are then sold in some pet shops, on the internet, in ads, flea markets and more. Puppy mills should be banned because …show more content…

In puppy mills, female dogs are overbred and a lot of times inbreeding occurs just to get profit. This action causes many complications and is harmful to species. When, after a few years, they are physically depleted to the point that they no longer can reproduce, breeding females are often killed” (ASPCA). Female dogs are bred until their bodies can’t handle it anymore. This practice is harmful and should not be happening because it disturbs the species of the dogs. “The dogs were found to have significantly elevated levels of fears and phobias, compulsive and repetitive behaviors, and heightened sensitivity to being touched. Compared to "normal" pet dogs, the recovered puppy mill dogs had a six to eight times higher chance of scoring in the highest ranges for fear. "This study gives us strong evidence that the dogs kept in these large-scale breeding facilities don't just suffer while they're confined there, but carry the emotional scars out with them for years, even when they're placed in loving homes," Dr. McMillan told USA Today”. Many dogs from puppy mills experience harsh breeding, as all these owners want it profit. It’s harming thousands of dogs, and should be put to a …show more content…

Because of these shelters, dogs are being killed because of illnesses from these situations every day. “Conditions common to puppy mills, such as the use of stacked, wire cages to house more animals than a given space should reasonably hold, as well as constant exposure to the feces and urine of other dogs, make it difficult for dogs to avoid exposure to common parasites and infectious diseases.” “Most often they are in small cages that may not allow them to turn around, or they are in a pen with many other dogs. They may not have had any socialization with humans other than quick handling or during transport to another area for breeding.” However, when you add in the stress associated with shipping a sick puppy large distances under less than ideal circumstances and less than ideal nutrition and veterinary care previous to the illness, even the diseases that are normally mild can become much more serious for these puppies. Health is a big concern for people who are against puppy mills. Dogs are killed because of illnesses every day in these mills. It’s really wrong because these animals should not be put through

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