Public Health Promotion Paper

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1. Introduction Health promotion plays a pivotal role in health system as it focuses on health of both individuals and communities. The need and the importance of health promotion have been discussed across the globe (Viner & Macfarlane, 2005). In this paper, the need of health promotion within the field of public health will be discussed. 2. Public Health and Health Promotion Public health means the relevant measures that are taken to reduce the burden of diseases, and promote healthy lifestyle among the entire population (Ballabeni, 2015). In contract, according to Howat et al. (2003), health promotion can be described “ as a combination of educational, organisational, economic and political actions designed with consumer participation, …show more content…

First, one of the issues that public health professionals face currently, is the burden of chronic diseases. Health promotion addresses to this issue. So, having health promotion in public health helps the health professionals to reduce the burden of issues and address to the preventive methods before spreading the diseases. As a result, it helps to achieve the aims of public health (Kickbusch, 2003). Second, health promotion enforces the people to take care of their own health. Therefore, it enhances the community actions and personal skills within the community. Not only have that, but also the public gets an opportunity to make informed decision of their health which ultimately leads to improve health literacy. Third, health promotion suggests that health is not a responsible of only health sector. It gives other sectors to take part in the field of health promotion actively to improve the population health status (Semplici, 2011). Finally, health promotion helps to achieve equity in health, as it focuses on the whole community and consists with a composition of educational, economical, organisational, and political acts. By concerning all these factors, it is obvious that health promotion is needed within the field of public health to provide better care to the community (Green, 1999; Howat et al., 2003; Sadana & Blas,

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