Public Health Communication Paper

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Public Health and health communication go hand in hand because they both aim to change a behavior. For example, these behaviors may include: drink and driving, obesity, bringing awareness to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), etc. Health communication is made up of social marketing and health education. Social marketing includes commercial marketing techniques and principles, which aim to improve the social and economic environment. Health education aims to address individual values and beliefs. This paper will highlight two health communication campaigns. One of the campaigns, called VERB, aims to bring awareness to childhood obesity by creating a campaign to help increase physical activity …show more content…

Most importantly, by this campaign being ran by a well-established government appointed organization, CDC, people already view and believe the facts, which are being presented. Also, by selecting the nine communities, which are located around the United States, gives consumers a diverse group of children and ethnic groups, ages nine to 13 to analyze. Lastly, by utilizing many different communication channels, allows the message to be received by everyone around the world. One weakness that can be pointed out is now, in 2015, this campaign is not nearly as talked about, as it once was when this article was written. This also creates a gap in the campaign. This campaign is needed more than every now due to the many different social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Kik, Tumbler, online children games and shows, etc.), which are glamorized by the public, which take the children’s attention away from physical …show more content…

Act Against AIDS, launched by the White House and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, is a five-year campaign, which aims to bring awareness amongst all Americans (CDC, 2013). This campaign is especially created for those who are most impacted by HIV/AIDS (gay and bisexual men, African Americans, and Latinos). This campaign utilizes various communication channels (television, newspaper, radio, the internet, and magazines) to broadcast important messages (CDC, 2013). This campaign follows the National HIV/ AIDS (NHAS) and the Act Against Aids Leadership Initiative (AALI), which focus on gay black men and the Latino community. This campaign was created in 2009. This campaign was selected because this issue affects my community here in Atlanta. It has been reported that Atlanta ranks in the top 101 cities with the largest population of gay men couples, ranking in at number 19 with a population of 486,411 (city data). This is a very alarming number since Atlanta is a great place for African Americans to live. Atlanta is a city of opportunities.
Act Against AIDS consist of multiple campaigns, which are designed for a specific target audience. First, Let’s Stop HIV Together aims to give a voice to those living with HIV, affected by HIV, or family of someone diagnosed with HIV. This campaign was launched in 2012. This campaign is communicated through print, the Internet, and social media (CDC, 2014). This campaign is partnered

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