Pt1420 Unit 4 Assignment

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I have two apples, one banana, one cherry. Does it make sense to calculate the "average" of these things? Would you code that as a factor or a numeric value in R?
I don’t think that calculating average, in this case, is all that common? I cannot find average types of fruit. I cannot apply numerical techniques to the qualitative data. We say that it is a factor because the values of variables have qualitative values. Factors are describing the type of fruits and are represented by words and letters (Yakir, 2011). Therefore, the colors would be coded as factors. I have four quiz scores: 94, 93, 85, and 0. what is the mean (average) of my quiz scores? Would you code this as a factor or a numeric value in R?
In this scenario, I have to calculate the quiz scores by adding 94 + 93 + 85 + 0 = 272, and then divide by 4. The average of my quiz score is 68. This is a numeric data. Numerical data are numbers; we can count or measure it (Yakir, 2011). …show more content…

What is the mean (average) of my grades? Would you code that as a factor or a numeric value in R? As what was articulated in question #1, factors are describing words and letters. There is no possibility of average in this scenario because the grades are not in numbers. So it is a factor and cannot be calculated as we do to

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