Cystic Acne Research Paper

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Many individuals that are victims of cystic acne have experimented with natural remedies to discover ways reduce the frequency of their breaks and to heal their lesions without scarring.

What Are the Safest Ways to Get Rid of Cystic Acne Effectively?
I Want to Know the Best Ways to Get Rid of Cystic Acne

People get acne when dead skin cells, oil, and debris accumulate in the pores of their skin. Often the accumulation can be washed away or by exfoliating. If not, it can form pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads. Individuals often squeeze these and push whatever has accumulated out of their pores. However, pores can become clogged and trap substances beneath the surface of the skin. Bacteria take over and create a serious infection known as cystic acne. …show more content…

Because it’s hard to see your back, it’s easy to miss the early signs that a cyst is forming, giving it longer time to grow. The pores on your back tend to be larger than other pores, which also allows cysts to enlarge.

The following steps will help you get rid of cystic acne on your back:

Exfoliate your back every time you bathe or shower. Long-handled exfoliating sponges are made for this purpose.
Generously apply an anti-acne cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide. Leave the cleanser on for at least two minutes. Rinse and pat dry.
Shower immediately after exercise or workouts to rinse away pore-clogging sweat and oils.
Apply a warm compress on the cyst several times a day to help draw out any infection. Experts recommend leaving the compress in place for about 15 minutes each time. Some individuals use warm milk rather than water in the compress.
Protect your back from the sun and harmful UV radiation.

Because cystic acne can leave deep scars on your back, consult with a skin specialist if these remedies don’t reduce the frequency and severity of your lesions.

Exfoliating is removing dead skin cells with a coarse

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