Prostitution and Its Unfortunate Aftermath

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Prostitution and Its Unfortunate Aftermath

Life..the greatest adventure. This statement, so powerful yet for many teens who

enter the dark world of prostitution, it happens to be the furthest thing from the truth.

This life of despair can lead to a lifetime of pain and suffering (Farley Many teenagers resort to prostitution out of desperation.

The unfortunate popularity of teen prostitution has led to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,

physical and emotional scars and health problems in the lives of these teens. The dark side

to the world of prostitution holds a no-win situation for most teens. Years filled with the

scars left by suicide attempts, physical and mental abuse and the longing to get out of the

spiraling web of this dark and lonely world. For most there are few answers, but for the

ones who truly seek to find the help maybe there still can be that great adventure called


Prostitutes suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as Combat

Disorder, thought by many to only be suffered by war veterans. In reality though,

prostitutes more commonly suffer from PTSD than war veterans(Zuger NY Times). "The

world's oldest profession may also be among it's most traumatizing," found Abigail Zuger

of the New York Times. Studies show PTSD to be a direct result of sexual abuse(Giobbe Almost all prostitutes suffer some sort of sexual abuse

while working in the commercial sex industry. Very few say that their pimps and

customers never use violence and abuse as a form of control(Bracy 36). For their own,

morbid, entertainment, pimps will often force prostitutes to have sex with them or others,

while they watch(Giobbe

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...rk Press,


Hoigard, Cecile and Finstand, Liv. Backstreets: Prostitution Money and Love.

Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992

Hilton, Diana G. Turning Out: A Study of Teenage Prostitution. (no pub. info)

Feminism & Psychology. Prostitution in Five Countries: Violence and

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 1998, Vol. 8(4): 405-426

Bracey, Dorothy H. Baby-Pro's: Preliminary Profiles of Juvenile Prostitutes. John

Jay Press , 1979

Zuger, Abigail. Many Prostitutes Suffer Combat Disorder, Study Finds. August

18, 1998. New York Times.

Farley, Melissa. Prostitution: Factsheet on Human Rights.

Giobbe, Evelina. A Comparison of Pimps and Batterers. Michigan Journal of

Gender & Law, 1993, 1(1): 33-57

Weisberg, D. Kelly. Children of the Night: A Study of Adolescent Prostitution.

D.C. Heath and Company, 1985

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