Pros And Cons Of The Roman Constitution

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The roman republic constitution was a set of guidelines and principles passed down through precedent, the roman republic instead of creating a democracy such as that the Athenians created, a monarchy which was previously being used by previous roman rulers and an aristocracy which Sparta used, the Constitution combined elements of all three of these governments to create a combined government known as “Senatus populusque que romanus” (S.P.Q.R) this meant “the senate and the roman people”. The Roman magistrates were elected officials during the period of the Roman kingdom, the ‘king’ (although the Romans preferred not to be called a king and instead a rex) of Rome was the principal executive magistrate, his power was absolute similar to that of a tsar …show more content…

There are two types of patronage: private and public. Private patronage was when the person would give gifts of food, money, livestock such as sheep or cow and some allotted land to help grow crops, they also gave legal aid to the sick and wounded. Public patronage was when the person was a protector of a religious group or guild. In return for the services of public/private help the client of the patron would help with religious services. Provide an escort for the patron to keep them safe and provide political support, these services would often carry on for several generations. The patron-client relationship was hierarchical; the client was usually a peasant or inferior class compared to their patron counterpart who was usually a member of the upper class, and because of this the patron was usually the person to determine the terms and conditions of this

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