Pros And Cons Of Internet Essay

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Internet Usage: the Good vs. the Bad The internet has become such a popular subject over the last 10 years. Someone who allows themselves to be included into the internet world can experience both positive and negative effect on their lives. Everyone should be able to enjoy having online time, but only in small amounts. Often times the internet can be defined as a communication network for the worldwide sharing of information. One of the more popular uses of the internet is reconnecting with old friends or family members. Popular websites, like Facebook and Twitter, can be used to search people; if a person chooses to utilize these websites, they would have the opportunity to add people and start communicating and sharing information with them. Another great thing that the internet has to offer is the ability to advertise. People, who chose to use certain websites, can use it as a mean of telling their friends and family about yard sales, businesses opening up, or just simply selling items they no longer have a need for. Since the usage of the internet has become such a popular deal, websites are starting to provide users with multiple options. A person who decides to use internet may …show more content…

A person who decides to partake in internet activities needs to learn time management. Personally, I feel as if nobody should spend more than 1 or 2 hours on online websites a day. Media is changing the way society thinks about things, and sometimes too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing. In conclusion, internet usage can have positive effects for people just as much as it can have negative effects. Everybody should be able to experience the things media offers but nobody should use it so much that is becomes an actual problem with home life. Everybody needs to learn time management a learn how to make good things stay considered good

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