Pros And Cons Of Imposing A Tax On Junk Food

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determine if imposing a tax on junk and fatty foods is the right thing to do. This report analysis both the pros and cons of imposing a tax, as well as a financial and ethical considerations when determining the final outcome. Both the pros and cons were analyzed but one decision seems to be the clear choice. Situation There has been an ever-increasing concern on obesity and overall health especially towards the next generation. There has been a steady increase in obesity from “2003 to 2014 with men obesity and overweight rate rising from 57.3 percent to 61.8 percent and woman 41.3 percent to 46.2 percent” (Ferrers, 2015). Due to this many scientist and the World Health Organization has proposed a tax on all junk food such as fast food and soda. Some people say that it is useless and won’t help while others are completely for it. There are four main concerns when deciding if we should impose this tax or not: • Benefits of the tax • Drawbacks of the tax • Financial consideration • Ethical consideration Benefits of Junk Food Tax The main objective of implementing a food tax would be to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods, raise government revenues and to decrease the fatal affects of obesity. One of the benefits of imposing a food tax would be that “ By increasing cost of junk food we make it easier for people to make healthier …show more content…

Obesity has become a major health concern for many and needs to be tackled head on. If unhealthy eating, resulting in obesity continues to rise then we may fall into a bigger health and economic crisis. Imposing a tax on unhealthy foods can be the first step towards creating a healthier lifestyle for all of us. By giving incentives to eat healthy and helping people who may not have had the opportunity to make the healthiest choices we will take one step closer to curing the epidemic known as

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