Don T Blame The Eater Summary

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American obesity is a widely known problem that keeps getting worse every year. People struggle daily between choosing to eat healthy or to find a quick and affordable meal to eat. The government needs to get more involved by making healthy food more accessible and more affordable in order for people to make healthy food choices. “Don’t Blame the Eater” written by David Zinczenko explains how it is not the eaters fault for eating all of the unhealthy food and calories that they consume. Zinczenko points out that when you look around at your surroundings there’s plenty of unhealthy food options around you, but when you want to try and find healthy food it is nearly impossible. Companies do not display the kind of warning labels that they should be advertising. When you look at health labels on the food that you are consuming it is difficult to grasp what you are reading due to the company not wanting you to realize exactly what you are eating. The fast-food world deceives many customers making it nearly impossible for anybody to make healthy food choices. …show more content…

Balko says that the government is getting involved in a way where obesity is being encouraged and they need to take a step back in order for people to learn how to maintain their personal health. Radley Balko states that insurance companies are being forced to keep overweight premiums at a standard rate which takes off the financial aspect that could potentially push people towards living and eating healthier. Balko says “And if the government is paying for my anti-cholesterol medication, what incentive is there for me to put down the cheeseburger.” This is showing how the government supports people’s bad eating habits by taking the consequences away. By making the weight of the unhealthy eating consequences everyone's problem, it encourages unhealthy eating even

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