Proposal Essay On Deforestation

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Deforestation is a current problem in this world, and it’s happening every day, more and more. Deforestation is the clearing of the world’s forests on a massive scale. Every year, the amount of forest we lose is equivalent about the size of Panama. It is everywhere, look at where we attend college. Once upon a time, Eckerd College was all forested area. Every time we build something here on campus, more and more trees get knocked down.
Now, not all forests get knocked down for just schools, there 's hundreds of reasons why, but some of the more common known reasons being for recreation, agriculture, and the selling of timber. Now, my proposal involves conserving the forest along with recreational value. On top of it all, my proposal …show more content…

But, they all have one thing in common, and that is that they provide ecosystem services. The capital stocks that produce said ecosystem services are worth large amounts of money. It is stated in the Costanza article, “For the entire biosphere, the value (most of which is outside the market) is estimated to be in the range of US$16–54 trillion per year, with an average of US$33 trillion per year.” Now, why would deforestation even be considered when this kind of money is from the ecosystems? But when these trees are getting knocked down, it’s not only the trees that are dying. The trees aren’t the only things living in those forests. When these forests get destroyed, nobody ever thinks about the specie …show more content…

There’s an insane amount of medicinal purposes as to why we need the forests. Not even just from plants, there are animals we need in there as well. For example, there’s a snake inside the Amazon whose venom makes you lose blood pressure. Scientists found out which exact chemical makes your blood pressure drop. Once they found it, they knew how to help people that have high blood pressure. The funny thing is that everything that has to do with forest conservation always turns into something with monetary value. In an article read online from “”, it’s said that, “billions upon billions of dollars have flowed into the world’s economy due to the prescription medication arising from the world’s largess biological ecosystem.” So, if we continue to ruin the world’s forests, the world’s going to run out of medicine to find, and eventually humans will stop getting treated. There’s only one way to face this, and that is through forest conservation.
Forest conservation basically speaks for itself, but it’s quiet an important thing to do. Conserving the forest could be as simple as making sure an area is clean. Although there are many, many companies and people destroying the forests, there are people conserving it. In the United States, we have National Parks, specifically to conserve. Our tax dollars pay for them to be maintained, and to basically conserve

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