Promoting a Healthy and Safety Environment in an Early Childhood Education Setting

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The essay will discuss three important aspects of sleeping facilities, nutrition and hand washing for a healthy environment in early childhood education. Learning and developments of children are greatly enhanced by a healthy environment. It will also explain three policies that relate to these aspects. Strategies will also be mentioned to elaborate on the aspects and policies. Families, communities and centres should work together to provide and promote a healthy upbringing of young children. It will also include the areas needed to be improving further in the early childhood healthy environment and safety policies and practices.

First, sleeping facilities are very important aspect for promoting health and well-being of children in an early childhood setting. In the centre, sleeping rooms must provide adequate spaces that allow children to move around the bedding, a clean environment, sufficient amount of fresh air, and comfortable temperature. These areas could prevent children from the risk of injury and spreading the illness. Service must protect children’s upbringing and have security within the centre.

According to the Licensing Criteria (Ministry of Education, 2008) it shows “clean individual bedding (such as blankets, sheet, sleeping bags, and pillowslips) is provided for sleeping or resting children that is sufficient to keep they warm” (p.15). The review policy explains that individual child’s bedding should be clean and put away after they are used. In the same way parents would prepare their children’s sleeping materials.

The early childhood education setting should follow the policy which the government has provided. Within the child care setting should have enough spare bedding for children, incase parents...

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