Promises To Keep

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Promises To Keep The covenant has been a major theme in the books of Genesis and Exodus. A covenant is an agreement between two parties, which is not intended to be broken. On several occasions, God has established a covenant with certain people in order to bless them. In return, they would love, serve, and obey Him as their one true God. The first major covenant God made was with Noah. During Noah’s time, the world became a haven of wickedness in a multitude of ways. God’s heart was grieved from the world’s iniquities and decided to wipe mankind from the face of the earth. However, he found favor with Noah, who was righteous and loved the Lord. It is fitting God loved Noah; “Noah means comfort.” (Alter, Genesis , Gen. 5:9) God spoke to Noah and instructed him to build an ark, for a great flood would consume the earth, and all would perish. Noah obeyed the Lord and gathered his family and enough animals for replenishment. When the great flood ceased to consume the ends of the earth, Noah exited the ark, and released all the animals into the world. Noah pleased the Lord with burnt sacrifices on an altar, and God promised never to destroy the world in this manner again. The Lord said, “I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.” (Gen. 9:11) The sign of the Noahic Covenant was a rainbow in the clouds. Abram of Ur was the next person chosen by God to have a covenant. The Lord called him and indicated that He would make him into a great nation and bless him in many ways. Because Abram was obedient and believed in the Lord, God found favor upon him and his righteousness. God assured Abram that He would “b... ... middle of paper ... ...cond covenant was for God to be with Abraham’s descendents in several ways. The third covenant became very famous for the Ten Commandments. Each covenant was a unique way of God extending His love to those who love Him, as well. Therefore, to follow the covenants meant to love God. WORKS CITED Allah – the Moon God. The Archaeology of the Middle East. 1997. Alter, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative. New York: Basic Books, 1981. Genesis: Translation and Commentary. New York: Norton, 1996. Being Jewish. The History of the Exodus. Harris, Stephen. Understanding the Bible. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2003. McKay, John. A History of Western Society. 7th ed. Houghton Miflin, 2003. NIV Study Bible. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002.

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