Process Essay: Why Isn T Life Fair?

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Many people sometime or another have asked themselves , “Why isn’t life fair”. The answer maybe simple to some, but to most the answer is unexplainable. One problem that is virtuality unsolvable is giving each and every person the same amount of fairness. If you did try to solve it though, you should look at the main topics including money, the rights of a civilian, and the authority of the government. One word that any of these topics could be asked is the word how. How is money an issue when it comes to fairness, or how are my rights as a civilian differ from the authority of the government when it comes to the subject of fairness. When people hear the word money, they usually won’t don’t think about the word fairness, and more than likely think of the word shopping, food, jobs and many other things. Fact, money doesn’t grow on trees and neither does fairness. Fairness is kind of like respect, or money, you have to earn it. Roughly fifty percent of Americans have a paycheck week after week, …show more content…

They may critic the food they eat, or a new TV show that has just made its premier, or even the amount of fairness in their possession. You see, many people will judge their fairness by how much money they have, or how many acres of land they own. Ranking at the top would be the rich, whom deserve that fairness because they have worked hard to obtain it. Followed by the middle class, who would have the average amount of fairness because sure they have a job, but they don’t go above and beyond like the rich do. Lastly is the poor, the only reason why they may be poor is because of some accident that changed their life when they were young, or they didn’t pay attention in school which affected their grades. So it would only make sense for them to have the least amount of fairness, because everyone (one time or another) has had a chance or an opportunity to find a good job or get a good education, or simply just make their life

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