Compare And Contrast Pro Life And Pro Choice

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Pro life vs. pro choice is a very sensitive subject to argue among a crowd. A large number of advantages and disadvantages leave individuals in an uproar while explaining their stance. Views on religion, myths, and unfit mothers show different arguments to each opposing side. Alternatives to abortion and the future aspects have shown many different pieces about pro life and pro choice. To start, pro life arguments will be stated along with the writer’s opinions. Finally, the writer’s opinions on the subject following pro choice disputes. This provides a clear understanding between the two opposing topics. Many issues of pro life and pro choice conflicts arise through a variety of different positions. Arguments on what is considered right between abortion or life have given many men and women strong opinions. There are extreme movements and protests ran between both sides of the argument throughout city streets. Some of these protests can be held outside abortion clinics directed towards women entering. Many of the pro choice protests can be found peacefully set up among government centers. Many facts about pro choice tend to be …show more content…

The writer believes the disadvantages of pro life outweigh the advantages. The cons of pro life are more sustainable, and look for the best interest of the parents and the children. If a mother could not care for a child she has, and ends up in a predicament where she obtains another child, it would be in the best interest to set up an adoption. Having choose adoption a mother may feel regret and may end up being depressed in the long run. For the children they may feel abandoned by their mothers, and this may have effects on their life growing up. Also, if a mother chose abortion, the father may never know about a child, yet with pro life it can give him more leverage in obtaining his

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