Prisoner B 3087 Sparknotes

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I would easily give Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz a solid A- because off all of its details and how deep it really goes into story and how he lived! I only wish it was a longer book that is the only downside.

The first reason I would give it an A- is because the small details that really make you feel fully immersed into the book. On page 171 they it says “We heard the rumble of the explosions and saw the smoke rise over a hill on the horizon”. The reason this really sets the scene is because they have been on a death march to Sachsenhausen (another “camp”). The reason they were going there is because the allied troops were getting closer to there last camp so the Nazis were told to bring the strongest and best condition Jews to Sachsenhausen to work there. They all knew the reason why they were having to march there, the Nazis never thought the Jews would make it there alive and they wanted to save there ammo in case the allied troops came.

The second reason I would give an A- is because he lived. The author wrote this book based on the true story of Ruth and Jack Gruener who have been married for 57 years at the date the book was released, but yes at the end of the book he got saved by the allied troops when they arrived at Sachsenhausen the allied troops …show more content…

The Holocaust started when he was around 8 years old. When he was around 8 he didn’t really know what was going on but he knew something was up after they had a couple of guys walk in with guns and ask for all their jewelry and their money and ask them to follow them. Before that happened he was working at his uncles bread store and that got shut down when the Holocaust started. He almost was killed at the first camp when they asked their ages he had to lie to live they said if your younger than 10 they where going take you the “special” camp and you would most likely not see your family at all ever

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