Primary And Secondary Sources Essay

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There are ways you can tell the difference between a primary and secondary source. A primary

source is an eyewitness account during the time in which it was written. Some examples of primary

sources are Night by Elie Wiesel and The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. Primary sources

can also include speeches, footage and interviews. A secondary source is a document or record of

an event that interprets and analyzes the event after it has past in history. An example is the

Decameron written by the Italian poet Giovanni Boccaccio. The Decameron was a collection of

stories that was completed in 1353. Boccaccio described the epidemic, called the Black Death.

These three different sources regarding the Black Death that plagued …show more content…

The reader is not influenced by theories, religious views or personal feelings. It does not

comment on the reactions or actions of those touched by this illness. It allows readers of this

account to form their own opinions of the events surrounding the Black Death. The only discrepancy regarding the three sources was the how long the Black Death lasted in

the first source. The first source claims that the Black Death lasted between March to September of

1348. However, the other sources claim it lasted longer. In the secondary source, it is mentioned

that the plague may have even started before March 1348, by reaching Europe in 1346. It claims it

reappeared in 1349 before subsiding in 1351. The third source does not mention any dates at all.

I believe that the secondary source was the most accurate and interesting because it supplied

statistical information about the decrease in population in different parts of the world. It provided

accounts of the symptoms of the disease which included swelling of the armpits and groin,

coughing, and high fevers. Similar symptoms were found in people in different countries. It told

of the plague's effect on the economy, especially in wool production since the outbreak reached

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