Pride In The Scarlet Ibis, By James Hurst

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“The doctor said that his weak heart this strain would probably kill him, but it didn’t.” “The Scarlet Ibis,” by James Hurst, reveals a tragic tale of yearning for acknowledgement and ending the embarrassment being shined by the narrator's disabled brother. This short story conveys how pride can possess a positive and negative effect on a person. Hurst uses characterization, conflict, and foreshadowing to develop the theme for, “The Scarlet Ibis.” The purpose of Hurst using characterization is to express the narrator’s self centered and narcissistic personality; he has toward Doodle, his brother. The narrator states, “Doodle told them it was I who had taught him to walk, so everyone wanted to hug me, and I began to cry. ‘What are you crying for?’ asked Daddy, but I couldn’t answer. They did …show more content…

The narrator wants the attention of others to praise his ‘brilliant’ deed; however, he did not want to help Doodle out of his kind heart. Resulting in his thirst for additional pride for himself. As the story progresses, Doodle’s brother abandons Doodle which leads to his death. The narrator quotes, “The knowledge that Doodle’s and my plans had come to naught was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened. I ran as fast as I could, leaving him far behind with a wall of rain dividing us… I stopped and waited for Doodle… As I waited, I peered through the downpour, but no one came… Finally I went back and found him… He had been bleeding from the mouth, and his neck and the front of his shirt

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