Preventing Surgical Errors

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Intro: The title of the brochure is Speak Up: Preventing Surgical Errors was published in March 2nd 2002. Preventing surgical errors is a great brochure that will help any patients both young and old when planning or preparing for surgery, to be aware of some things that may go wrong prior, during and after surgery, especially if they do not take precaution on time in preventing common surgical errors from happening. Patients have the right to speak up and ask questions about any surgical procedure to the health care personnel before surgery can be performed. This paper will discuss, summarized and critique the brochure. (Red simple sentence) Summary: Preventing surgical errors brochure discussed the importance of patients to communicate any concerns, questions and problems they may have to the health care providers involved in their surgery such as the surgeon, nurses, nutritionist, physical therapists, social worker, and occupational therapist. A Patient’s ability to communicate helps to prevent more surgical errors, …show more content…

Reducing surgical or any medical errors is a team work, everyone involve in the surgery has a crucial part to play to ensure quality health care is delivered and success of the surgery. For instance, if a nurse forgot to assess a patient’s vital signs or document/report any abnormal finding to the surgeon has made a big mistake that can lead to more complications or death of a patient. Also, patients who refused to adhere to the instructions given by the healthcare professional such as not to eat or drink, smoke, take over counter medication, before due to risk may impose during and after

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