President James Peterson Characteristics

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A presidential leader fills many roles and his character and life experiences make great decisions for our Country. As a legislative leader, he is responsible for working with Congress to pass law and help meet the needs of the people. As Commander and Chief, he is head of the armed forces. And as a world leader, he is expected to work with foreign leaders and establish strengthened relationship. For this assignment, I invented a Presidential Candidate named James Peterson, who has the characteristics I believe would make an excellent president. Personal character is very important for any leader. My candidate, James Peterson, is a man of exceptional integrity. Meeting the constitutional requirements for presidency, he was born in Pennsylvania, is over 35 years old and, while he has travel internationally for work, he has called Pennsylvania home for the last fourteen years. With a military background, his family moved numerous times so Peterson had the opportunity to meet all kinds of interesting people and explore various cultures. Peterson received his master’s degree in international business and political science from Harvard University. …show more content…

Peterson is someone, who recognizes public problems like equal rights. Since before the Civil War our Country has been struggling to establish equal rights. While Amendments to the Construction have been made to insure equal opportunities and rights for all. Society still struggles to know how to respond to this issue. Another issue is health care. Finding a way to provide affordable health care is very important. The Affordable Care Act was intended to help everyone have health coverage but resulted in higher healthcare costs. Peterson plans on revising this law to meet its intended purpose. Peterson will work to negotiate with Congress and the budget to put these issues into

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