Career Pursuit and Post-Secondary Education for Intellectually Disabled Students

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In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance.” ― Jeanette Winterson The decision to pursue a career, prepare for competitive employment, and participate in post-secondary education (PSE) or any other post high school alternative is perhaps the most significant commitment an intellectually disabled (ID) student will make in his or her lifetime. Intellectual disability is the currently preferred term for the disability historically referred to as mental retardation. (AAIDD) and includes conditions such as autism, and Down’s syndrome (HEOA 2008). The post path intellectually disable (ID) students choose has important educational and economic consequences as it may determine the quality of their life and facilitate lifelong success. …show more content…

Unless the transition process is formalized and the idea of post-secondary education (PSE) is introduced, little thought or planning may be given to the student’s future service or educational needs. (Grigal, Hart, & Migliore, 2011; Katsiyannis, Zhang, Woodruff, INSIGHT: A Think College Brief on Policy, Research, & Practice • Issue No. 10 & Dixon, …show more content…

This qualitative research study is important as gaining access to PSE setting for students with intellectual disabilities is a challenge. Self-determination gives the individual the power to make decisions, have choices and adds control and direction to one 's own life (Gotto, et a., 2010).
The negative economic and social consequences associated with intellectually disabled individuals inability to participate in post-secondary education opportunities provide the impetus for this study. The primary objective of this study was to ascertain the effectiveness of a transition preparation program in facilitating informed decision making by intellectually disabled students as they choose the path to follow after high school. Effectiveness was measured by examining the intellectually disabled students’ subjective, personally perceived influences accredited to their participation in this program.
The transition preparation program provides specific teaching and learning interventions that are thought to be helpful and influential in students being able to know expectations of work and PSE and be able to adapt to the college or work

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