Positive Vs Negative Motivation Essay

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There are two kinds of motivation in life, both of which can have an impact on our lives. The trick is to determine which of these are going to be better, and why that is. Motivation is what keeps us working on all aspects of our life. It keeps us moving, thinking, trying, and – essentially – living. So, the question that we need to ask is which form of motivation has a bigger and stronger effect: positive or negative? There are arguments of both sides, of course, and both make a strong case for themselves.

Positive Positive motivation is when we are working towards something because we are excited to get to the result. The perfect example is when we can focus on studying and working in class because we know that getting a good grade …show more content…

And the winner is... Okay, enough with the examples...what does this all mean? The core conclusion in the battle between positive and negative emotion is that both can be effective, it just depends on where you are looking to see the results. In short term situations (such as the academic one), negative emotion is the strongest way to keep work flow up, and keep the student focused on his grades. The fear of failing will keep the student focused throughout the semester, and then the tension will release one it's done. In a long-term workplace environment, however, positive motivation is going to bring the best results. It will promote a healthy atmosphere and encourage collaboration and a good hard-working attitude amongst everyone.

The short term may match well with negative motivation, but the lengthy situations where motivation is needed, positivity is certainly going to be the best weapon to keep everyone on track and working as hard as possible to get to the

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