Positive Representation Of Minority Groups In Schools

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People might advocate to make schools and other sites of education safe spaces for all people regardless of the issues of identity by teaching about minority groups. Representation of minority groups matter and can create a positive impact. The Handbook of Gender and Communication states, ”Media, in short, are central to what ultimately come to represent our social realities" (Brooks, D., & Hebert, L. 2006). Media is a huge part of people’s lives. Nowadays, media is being integrated more than ever into the classroom. I believe that we should bring in positive or create positive representation into educational environments using media. Media is a powerful way to capture the attention of children and that is great for auditory and visual learners. …show more content…

Unfortunately, not everyone's media experience showed minority groups in a positive light like mine. There is a lot of misrepresentation and stereotypes about groups that can be doing harm. Sometimes people won't even see and read about certain minority groups at all in their media experience. I think schools and other sites of education should prioritize time, space, and energy on showing positive representations of minority groups, especially to young children. This can prevent children from experiencing negative representation of minorities that will cause them to be racist, homophobic, and prejudice. I feel that older children should see the misrepresentation of groups and be taught to critique it. This is because, like Jajewski, J.said, "we will be treading water in the fight to end racism until there is a widespread understanding that being blind to color is being blind to oppression (Jajewski, J. 2012). We need to see that people of color or another minority are different because of the struggles and situations they face if we want to end …show more content…

We can not expect children to get the representation they need at home. That’s another reason why we need positive representation in classes. Positive representation can make a huge difference especially for those in the LBGT+ community. I remember a story I read on tumblr written by a mom who was watching Supergirl with her young daughter. Her daughter starts crying during the episode where the character Alex Danvers realizes she’s gay and comes out to her family. The mother asks her daughter why she’s crying and the daughter explains that she feels the same way as Alex. Seeing the character Alex Danvers realize and be open about her sexuality helped the daughter realize her own feelings and come out to her mom who was completely supportive. I always viewed Alex Danvers’ coming out story as important but seeing the positive impact on children and others really brings to light on how powerful representation could be. Representation gives minorities a sense of belonging is which is important to one’s well being and to their self esteem which is need to accomplish their goals. Also I have read comments where people have admitted to changing their opinions for the better after watching content with positive

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