Porter's Five Forces In Healthcare

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The industry niche of care for the mentally retarded has two of the Porter’s five forces that are significantly important. The first one is the power of competitive rivalry. Competitive rivalry is when you have competition in which a qualified provider represents a threat (Lester & Parnell, 2006). This affects the mental state of mind, psychological, and other health service providers. When you’re with an organization, it is important to have competitive prices, competitive care, competitive employee benefits, and competitive services that are offered to the patients. There are some more forces such as: power of suppliers, barriers to entry, and threats of substitutes. On a scale from 1-10, these are on the lower portion of importance because there is lack in shortage care facilities that are available to the people. …show more content…

This force states that the consumer base as a whole can bargain for what is considered to be a reasonable cost, and quality or quantity of services offered. (Lester & Parnell, 2006). When working in the health industry, patient or responsible party satisfaction become the essential part of performance. This is highly important because an organization must comply with their product or services that are affordable and competitive with others in their areas. They will lose business if they are overpriced or have a substandard operation. Porter’s five forces offer a framework and evaluation in the industry’s structure and it’s influence on the organizations (Lester & Parnell,

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