Population Improvement Proposal

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The world population is growing rapidly, it is predicted Texas alone will see the population double within the next century. As the population grows, the demand for resources increases as well. In order to sustain this influx in population, it will be most efficient to educate the population on how energy, resources, money, and the environment can be conserved in order to ensure the preservation of planet Earth. Peaked with curiosity, I decided to develop my portfolio circa the theme of sustainability in a large city; using Austin, Texas as my subject. We unfortunately cannot stop the development and progress of the city as it tries to accommodate a surge in people, however we can enforce more sustainable practices in the hopes of conserving …show more content…

Relating to my theme, this unit emphasizes the importance of investing effort into educational programs, giving the public access to informational sessions about conserving on a day to day basis. Furthermore, becoming more sustainable will not be accomplished by a small group of people; it is a collective effort that demands the cooperation of all subjects within the city. In order to get a more involved understanding of the efforts already in place, I took a trip to the Farmer’s Market on one Saturday morning. Working with Austin’s Sustainable Food Center, I volunteered and the Zero Waste Kiosk. My duties included overseeing the disposal of trash. Most people were more inclined to be cautious about which bin they disposed their trash in when I was there overlooking their actions. Furthermore, I noticed that even under pressure, most people still did not know which was the correct bin to dispose of their trash in. Waste is a major problem in all cities around the world. There are many products, when recycled, that can be reused for other purposes, ultimately saving money and resources. One of the major tenets of living sustainably is accurately reusing products in order to reduce the waste, that usually ends up in the ocean. For my fourth unit, I watched a late-night talk with John Oliver on the food waste in America. Statistics show that Americans throw out more than forty percent of the food bought. Resources-land, water, fertilizers- time, effort, and money were all used in the production of that wasted food. Food waste is one of the major problems that can be easily controlled with the right amount of education and policy

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